Friday, November 6, 2009

Girlfriend Changes...He Freak About!


Men aren't the only one's who transform when they become part of a couple. Below what guys fear most:

26% -She don't want to have sex.
17% -She'll let her self go.
15% -She'll try to change the way i dress/talk/eat.
14% -She'll get really needy.
10% -She'll crack down on the guy.
7% -She'll push for more commitment.
5% -She'll want me to hangout with her family.
3% -She'll became a homebody.
3% -She'll bitch about interest in sport.

Photobucket Sad to say we are only human, anything and everything in the world change. But if you really love each other it really doesn't matter, what is the use of the mouth if you will not talk about your differences...


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